
Showing posts from April, 2010


Smile : the most beautiful expression of emotions and feelings…it can be of joy, happiness, mercy, pain, indifference and so on. I have seen many people around me smiling. Some out of joy, some out of pain, and some out of indifference….Yes…I too smile. Thinking of my family, my dad rarely smiles…my mom, she is a damp and gloomy smile. My sister’s…most strange one I have ever seen and felt. Last week I have been to my home. As usual I was sitting beside her in her bed, caressing her forehead. I asked her “dear Me, mom and dad hope that you will be alright soon. But why don’t you think so?” She didn’t reply me. She seemed to be winking her eyes and looking at me. After a moment it turned in to a smile, a smile of pain and disappointment I could feel. It meant…no…it asked me “my dear brother, why have you been so foolish?” In my dream I found my holy father smiling…it said “my son you are gonna be ok.”


LOVE : the noblest feeling…no…emotion a life being could feel on Earth. Yes as every life being I can also feel it…I have felt it. The love of my mom, dad, sister, colleagues, friends more than that my holy father, my lord who send me here. Of course I too love…my love towards my mom, dad, sister, colleagues, my friends, and above all towards my lord. I was thinking that it is my mom who loves me the most, but now I realize, my lord …he does that more than anyone. I can’t sense it …I can feel it through my senses. yes I have had many hardships in my life…in every hardships I could feel my lords love…yes…I was singing, my song is full of sixes and sevens…on every mistakes he pats on my shoulder…he says “my son…do it in this way…” he does it and I follow.